General Assembly 2020

Bergen Ship Operator Association held its first General Assembly where the agenda was to establish a board. The Assembly was held at Hotel Scandic Ørnen 20 Feb 2020 from 1830 – 1930 hrs. After the meeting, Asian food was served including social mingling amongst the attending members.

Thor Erik Haugland was moderator and Astrid Evebakke was in charge of the minutes of meetings.

In this Assembly following member companies were attending:

GAC, Peak Group, Wilson, Bergen Bunkers, Odfjell Tankers, Myklebusthaug, Wilhelmsen, CSL, WestChart and G2Ocean.


A quick overview of the activities of the Association throughout 2019 was held:

1)     Kick-off in March

2)     Social event at Bar Kollektiv during Bergen Shipping Dinner in June

3)     Presentation by Stig Tenold regarding the Bergen Shipping History was held at G2Ocean’s premises followed by dinner and drinks at Hotel Admiral.


Christer Benjaminsen presented the accounting and numbers for 2019 where there were no objections from the attendees. For events in 2020 we will try to attract event sponorships in order to avoid members having to pay a fee to cover the costs. If any surplus is left within the Association, this is to be used on the members for future events.


The Bye-laws were presented and info regarding the purpose of membership. There were no objections raised.


Before the General Assembly we had not receveid any proposals for people who would like to participate in the Board. Therefore it was decided at the meeting that the working group will be the first official board ot Bergen Ship Operator Association:


Chair:                                   Thor Erik Haugland – Odfjell Tankers

Deputy Chair:                     Marius Høie Jørgensen – Peak Group

Treasurer:                           Christer Benjaminsen – Bergen Bunkers

Board member:                 Astrid Elvebakke – GAC Norway


The next event is planned for May/June 2020.


Best regards

Bergen Ship Operator Association

Bergen 25 Feb 2020

" It was a great pleasure to see so many companies represented at the first General Assembly. We look forward to develop Bergen Ship Operator Association into the community we aim at creating for the Shipping Community in Bergen ."

Christer Benjaminsen, Co-Founder