Bye-laws Bergen Ship Operator Association

§ 1 – Objectives:

Bergen Ship Operator Association shall be an independent association with following objectives:

1.     Contribute to developing the operational environment in maritime business in Bergen and Hordaland.

2.     Enhance the importance of operational quality and competence in maritime business.

3.     Be a forum for exchanging the experiences related to the ship operator’s work tasks and its associated work functions.

4.     Ensure that we maintain a strong educational focus

5.     Contribute to support an inclusive and open environment with social profile

6.     Be an organization which initiates collaboration across businesses within the maritime environment for mutual benefits.


§ 2 – Membership

In Bergen Ship Operator Association following are entitled to apply for membership:

1.     Shipping companies which have operational functions in Bergen and Hordaland.

2.     Companies, organizations which collaborates with the operator in his daily work. Examples ship agents, bunker brokers, post fixture operators, vendors etc.

A precaution is made that the rules for becoming a member can be changed by these by-laws.


§ 3 – Board

The board is responsible for the leadership of the association. The board is elected by and amongst membership representatives. The association shall at any given time have members of both genders in the board. The board is responsible for the managing of the assets and will report to the general assembly. The board is elected for 1-2 years. The board shall also appoint audits. In order for the board to be able to make decisions, at least halv of the members must participate in the decision making.

Recommended board set up: Chair,

Recommended board: President, Vice President, Secretary General, Boardmembers


§ 4 – Meetings

Meetings will be held as the board deems necessary or when at least 3 board members require so. In these meetings one board member can vote on behalf of another by use of proxy.



§ 5 – Membership fee

Membership fee is set on a yearly basis by proposal from the board. The fee shall cover the expenses of the organization and the fee a fixed fee per member company as well as a fixed fee per employee for each membership company.

The fee must be approved by the general assembly.


§ 6 – Daily management

The board decides at any given time how the daily management of the association will be conducted, hereunder making necessary employments and establishment of conditions.


§ 7 – General assembly

Ordinary general assembly will be held every year with at least 21 days’ notice and latest by 31 March where following will be the fixed agenda:

1.     Annual statement

2.     Results and budget

3.     Election of board members, ref §3

4.     Establishment of membership fee

5.     Proposals received to the board latest 10 days before the general assembly is held.

All item son the general assembly are decided by voting. One member can vote with a signed proxy from from another member of the association.