We allow us to remind you of two of our main objectives:

1)     To create an arena where we can meet and exchange experiences in order to improve ourselves. Perhaps a chemical tanker operator in Odfjell can learn from how G2 Ocean are operating their dry bulk ships? Can Hansa Tankers inspire Sea Tank Chartering to further improve? Can an OBO Carrier operator in SKS learn something from how Peak Shipping or Wilson are running their ships?

2)     To emphasize how important excellent ship operation is so that the shipping companies shall keep developing and stay on top of their class/segment. We all know that it is now the ship brokers alone which are responsible for a ship owner to develop long lasting customer relationships. 

We want to achieve this by hosting events where we attract relevant companies and people which share these visions. In this fascinating business of ours you keep learning new things every day. That’s what makes it so interesting!


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