Dear Mrs/Mr

Thank you for reading this. We have founded Bergen Ship Operator Association in order for the ship operators to have a forum where there will be active participants. A Ship Operator’s tasks are extremely complex and varied. Many will say that the operator is the right arm of the ship owner. The operator has a significantly important responsibility of the safety on board the ships, environmental responsibility and the earnings of the shipping companies.

A skilled operator can make a huge difference for the economical result of a ship’s voyage.

Exactly for these reasons it is important that operators come together and find out what we can do to further improve ourselves in our day to day job. We have a unique opportunity to ensure that Bergen shall continue to be among the leaders in the world when it comes to running our ships safely, economically, efficiently and with an environmentally responsible footprint.

In connection with this the cooperation with ship agents, bunker brokers, customers, suppliers, technical vendors, experts of tanks and hold cleaning is of vital importance for a successful outcome. Hence these companies and roles are going to be an important part of the foundation of Bergen Ship Operator Association.

We hope to see as many as possible of you on the KICK OFF on Wed 13th March at Bar Kollektiv.


Best regards

Bergen Ship Operator Association

Odd Erik Aasen Wolff and Christer Benjaminsen